600 Days to Cocos island and Galapagos

A film by Gene and Josie Evans
Running time: 155 minutes
600 Days is a feature length two-part sailing documentary covering 10,000 miles exploring the Mexican and Central American coast, Cocos Island and Galapagos Islands. It that takes us back to the mid 1970s when more owners of small sailing craft were starting to venture far from their home ports in search of adventure. Throughout their voyage, crew members explore remote locales, fish for food, encounter wild animals, struggle against storms, and on a few occasions fight for survival. The original 16mm color sound print has been digitally restored and remastered to HD for theatrical and large TV screen viewing.

Gene and his wife, Josie sail their 32 foot Pearson Vanguard sloop, “Discubridor” (“Discoverer”) 10,000 miles from San Diego, CA south along the Mexican and Central American coast to Costa Rica, then offshore to the legendary, uninhabited Cocos Island. After exploring Cocos, they sail on to explore the Galapagos Islands, then 4,000 miles home to San Diego.

Read the review of 600 Days by Karen Larson, Publisher of Good Old Boat Magazine.

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